About Us
On this page we will describe our background and philosophy.
Our club was formed in march of 2002, our hall was previously the home of chadwell boxing, and was left empty
for several months, we had to totaly refurbish it, as it was a derelict building when we took it on.
vandals had smashed the place up a bit? we had no windows,plumbing,water,lights etc.
we had to totaly rebuild it from the inside out, and this is still ongoing,the costs fell to us, and we had no help from
the local council at this time!
we have plans for extending the building, having disabled access, and adding further toilet facillities for more
use, the hall is now run by an appointed committee, and is a registered charity.
when we opened in march 2002, it was very different then, to how it is now?
here are some news clippings from then to now.
circa christmas 2001.
In 2002 we gained a grant from the awards for all scheeme, this was for £3,765 the money was spent on equipment for the
club, and, it took a lot of hard work from rob to gain the grant.
we now have a gym wich we know has some of the best equipment in the country, and we strive to keep it well stocked.
our membership has grown from maybe ten starter members, now, we have over one hundred regulars.
we have achived many successes on the kickboxing front, and our results can be seen on the rellevent pages of this site.

It is our aim to teach any and all, from the age of five years, we teach, any age, sex, colour or creed.
our hall can accomodate up to thirty students at a time, though we try to limmit the numbers, and spread our students
over the three nights, tuesday/wednesday and friday nights, from eight till ten pm.
we provide all your equipment on starting our programme, just turn up and bring a pair of jogging bottoms and a T shirt,
you do not have to be physicly fit, we will get you fit, you will find our lessons both informative and fun.
We expect our students to be respectfull, attentive, well mannered! We do not put up with any kind of bully, or bad language,
and have a strict code of conduct.
We offer a full training package, including a syllabus from beginner to black belt grade.

we have a zero tollerance policy of bullies, bad language and behaviour!
we expect all our students to show respect to all others, both in & out of the classes.
