chadwell ladies kickboxing

Ladies kickboxing?
in the early days of kickboxing women were very much in a minority, as it has become more and more popular,the
ammount of ladies taking up the martial arts has grown out of all proportion.
We at the chadwell group are proud of the ladies whom we have trained, and we are actively seeking new ladies to join
the group.
It matters not one bit, if you do not wish to fight, many of our ladies don't, the training is the same,and the confidence
gained by our ladies is something to see? having witnessed this on more than a few occassions.
our ladies soon become used to the training, and the self defence aspects of our teaching pays big rewards in self belief
and confidence.

martina joined our club nearly seven years ago,she is in fact the longest serving member of our group.
she has taken part in three light contact fights,also she has learned how to be a fight official,taking part in some
important kickboxing shows.
martina achieved her instructor status two years ago on completion of her black belt exam, the first lady to do so from
the chadwell club.
We have trained many ladies over the years,and in general they find it much more easy to learn than the men?
women tend to be more flexable than thier male counterparts, so kicking often becomes second nature to them.
If anyone ever says that women cannot fight, just let them take a look at some of the world champions that are being
paid huge sums of money in the united states and japan? cathy long was paid in excess of $250,000 for her last fight? if it
was true that ladies can't fight, why would the ammerican cable and pay per view companies put up such large purse offers?
two of our girls |

tuesday evening class |
kerry joined the club early last year, she has proved to be very adept at kickboxing.
she had her first contest last month, narrowly losing by one point?
she has heart, and trains very hard, she is due to fight again on april 23rd, with an opponent yet to be confirmed her
fight weight is 55kgs,
so if you would like to fight kerry, get in touch with us soon.
Would you be able to take on an attacker? are you able to? do you have
the confidence?
It is a sad fact that we live in an ever increasing violent britain, atacks against
the person have risen dramaticaly over the last two decades.
in our experience most women will freeze when confronted by an attacker? some
find it almost imposible to even screem for help?
we do not wish to frighten anyone, but the questions do need asking-what would
be your reaction to the possibillity of an attack?
pictured right is kelli, she has trained with us for quite a while, she chooses not to fight, wich is fine by us,
she does spar with everyone in the club though, and quite good she is.....
Our ladies follow a training syllabus from the very beginning toward blackbelt certification.
they gain confidence, stammina, and self bellief,our programme is one wich we know works, no gimmics, just straight forward
easilly learned effective teqniques.
Why not come along and view one of our lessons? try before you buy so to speak?
the first lesson is free of charge, you do not have to be especialy fit, no special clothing or equipment will be needed,
we will supply your needs as a beginner.
pictured above is vicky asdown, she has fought many times for the club, her main achievement being,
winning the kent open championship in 2003.
